The SAVIN One Name Study

This is a summary of over 20 years of research into all occurances of the name SAVIN primarly as a surname but also if it is used in other contexts, for example as in a geographical feature. I would encourage you to contact me via e-mail if you have any further information to add. Don't be put off if what you know isn't much, for this work is largely drawn from small bits of information, which hundreds of people have let me know over the years. So please let me know at:

Location: Maidenhead, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Sunday, August 05, 2007

SAVIN Miscellanea

Mr Savin
British racehorse of the mid 1970's
(The Racing Post)

Savin's Bear
(Ursus Savini) Extinct species of small cave bear that lived one million years ago in the interglacial Waalian period. Distinguished by a domed forehead with no or little vestigal first premolars with stocky legs. Split into european and asian populations. Remains have been found in various sites, for example Bacton, East Anglia, England. Named by Alfred Collison Savin
(The Bear, Evolution of Polar Bears)

Savin Factor
A protein that causes recurrent FSGS, a disease which affects the units within the kidney, where blood is cleaned. Named after the original researcher Virginia Savin
(Medical College of Wisconsin)


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